Black Girl with Long Hair | Celebrating Natural Hair.
Long 4a coily naturals Hair Care Tips & Product Review Discussion.. my 4a hair in the back/nape, I qualify and you can see my pics in my.
“insert” 4a pics here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ - Long Hair Care Forum.ok ill bite. I figured this thread would be more active since I've seen a lot of 4As on the board. Here goes: natural old pic of air drying/shrinkage.
insert” 4A/4B (mixed texture ONLY) pics here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Hair Care Tips & Product Review Discussion.
8 May 2010. Thats my girl!!.but there are way more long hair 4a/b's on yourtube and. and braided, I would do this too.. her hair is lovely, some of her pics.
9 Dec 2012. by Black Girl With Long Hair – December 9, 2012. A: My hair is predominantly 3c/4a. .. I love the various styles you share in the pictures.
pictures of long 4a hair
Geniece's 4A/4B Styling Regimen | Black Girl with Long Hair.
pictures of long 4a hair
Finally retaining length on my fine 4A/B hair. After 4+ years.
4 Nov 2009. Also, about how long does it take curly hair to grow out? Here are pics of my 3c /4a hair when I started my journey, I was NL stretched.
8 Feb 2012. Are you curious about your hair type? Are you thinking it may be type 4, more specifically 4a? Then look no. might help: Post pictures of your 4a/4b hair. Long as I live, and troubles rise, I'll hasten to His throne. Amen.give.
Pics of Short 3c Hair? - CurlTalk.
Thanks HL!!! This is wonderful that way people can get an idea of their hair! ... This isn't the best picture of my hair.but I'm a mixture of 3C/4A.
Old 02-23-2009, 01:51 PM. sugartwist · sugartwist's Avatar. Join Date: Jan 2009. Posts: 151. Default Post pictures of your 4a/4b hair.
I have 4a/4b super fine and DRY hair! I found that the perfect. I need to start taking pics of my hair to see the progress! Sometimes I feel a.
7 Sep 2008. LHCF – Long Hair Care Forum .. The picture on the left is more type 4a hair, while the picture on the right is more of a 4b/c hair. Type 4 hair is.
12 Apr 2012. by Black Girl With Long Hair – April 12, 2012 .. The hair has alot of curl texture, and looks to be a mixture of 4a/b to me with more 4b. But to each their own, ... You can add images to your comments by selecting them below.
Fotki's and/or Pics of Natural 4b (4a/b) Hair Wanted! Hair Care Tips & Product Review Discussion.
What is the difference between 3c and 4a hair? - Long Hair Care Forum.
Post Natural Long 4a-b Hair! - Black Hair Media Forum - Page 1.